Monday, December 23, 2019
The Nature Of Self By Sri Ramana Maharshi - 2337 Words
The Nature of Self Introduction The life of man today is characterized by millions of activities that almost steal attention of one self. It is literally impossible for man to quietly life in a serene place that is very quiet and free from distraction of any manner. If anybody needs such scenery, then such a person has to invest a lot on it. Technology has invaded almost all the private areas of human beings. Phones are everywhere and electromagnetic radiations are everywhere. Even the once thought private zones like bathrooms and toilets are being invaded by water proof podcasts and Iphones. It is because of these kinds of distractions and the likes that the concept of nature of self becomes of importance. The nature of self is an ideology, which is embedded on religious believes in Asia. Sri Ramana Maharshi tried to explain the concept on different facets. The reason behind the multi-facet nature of the concept is because it tries to explain human behavior, which is very dynamic. The quest to understand humanity propels this concept to a reality and makes it have diverse versions from different people. Through the lens of subjects and objects in the greater universe, man tries to explain himself and find peace with the environment. This is irrespective of whether an atheist or theist. Nature of self not only concentrates on the explanation of the out-going nature of the human begins, but its religious aspect helps mediate on behavior of human beings. According to the
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Studies Related To Teaching Competency Education Essay Free Essays
string(27) " in male childs and misss\." Aggarwal ( 1969 ) conducted a survey on measuring of competency of instructors of primary schools of M.P. the survey revealed ( I ) more than 53 % of instructors were non intelligent plenty to be instructors and intelligence was significantly and positively related to capable cognition ( r= 0. We will write a custom essay sample on Studies Related To Teaching Competency Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now 42 ) ( two ) out of entire primary instructors 52.6 % did non like learning profession and their attitude was significantly related to competences of schoolroom instruction and ( three ) 70 % of the instructors passed in the 3rd division and about 50 % instructors did non possess equal cognition of topic to be able to learn competent. George and Anand ( 1980 ) studied the consequence of microteaching on learning self- construct and learning competency of pupil instructors. The chief findings of the survey were ( I ) There was important difference between the pre- trial and post- trial mean learning self concept tonss of the control group of pupil instructors. ( two ) There was important difference between the pre- trial and post- trial mean learning self concept tonss of the experimental group of pupil instructors. ( three ) There was important difference between the average addition tonss in learning competency of the control group and experimental group of pupil instructors. ( four ) Micro- instruction facilitated the sweetening of the learning ego construct of pupil instructors. ( V ) Micro learning proved effectual in bettering the learning competency of pupil instructors. ( six ) Micro- instruction intervention followed by summated scheme of integrating of learning accomplishments was found superior to micro learning intervention based on independent learning accomplishments in bettering the learning competency of pupil instructors. Passi and Sharma ( 1982 ) studied learning competences of secondary school instructors in Indore. The findings of survey showed that ( I ) the competences identified were- giving assignments, loud reading, utilizing chalkboard, utilizing support, tempo, avoiding repeat, consolidating the lesson, covering with pupil responses, bettering students ââ¬Ë behaviour, audibleness, utilizing secondary support, acknowledging students ââ¬Ë go toing behaviour, showing verbal manner and switching centripetal channel. ( two ) male and female instructors did non differ in competence. There was a important negative correlativity between the self perceptual experience of linguistic communication instructors and learning competence. ( three ) there was a important positive relationship between instructors ââ¬Ë instruction competence and liking of their students of their instruction behavior. Patel ( 1984 ) found that interactions with co-workers could better learning competence. His survey involved eight scientific discipline instructors spread over a period of six months and noted that the treatments and counsel from co-workers resulted in 11 % addition in the capacity for presentation and capacity for co- ordination of different learning accomplishments, in ability and wont of utilizing audio- ocular AIDSs for effectual instruction and addition in involvement in practical and written work of the student, and a 10 % addition in cognition of content. Prakasham ( 1988 ) studied the instructor effectivity as a map of school organisational clime and instruction competence and found that ( I ) The unfastened school organisational clime positively affected both the instruction competence every bit good as instructor effectivity. ( two ) Teachers of urban schools significantly excelled over instructors employed either in semi- urban and rural schools or schools located in industrial countries on both learning competence and instructor effectivity. ( three ) Females scored constantly higher with and undistinguished difference in all types of schools ; categorizes in footings of district, direction type and organisational clime. ( four ) There existed a important relationship between learning competence and instructor effectivity. Rajguru ( 1988 ) conducted a survey of the function of schoolmasters of cardinal schools and primary corporation schools to propose redresss to better their competences. He found that ( I ) 64.5 % instructors were cognizant of their functions. ( two ) 28 schoolmasters said that they observed 90.3 % of lesson and arranged theoretical account lessons besides. ( three ) Central schools schoolmasters guided the primary school schoolmasters in their work and besides visited them on a regular basis. ( four ) They besides arranged seminars and workshops. However, they were non satisfied with the lesson observation work. This work was evaluated by the supervisor but there was no cooperation between them. ( V ) Each cardinal school schoolmasters had to work for 45 hours in a hebdomad. Teaching was for 12 hours, lesson observation for 18 hours and 25 hours for other activities. Choudhary ( 1990 ) investigated the relationship of the learning competences of 178 secondary school instructors with the student accomplishment. Teachers ââ¬Ë manner of structuring inquiries was of import in act uponing students ââ¬Ë wishing for instructors. Their instruction was observed on at least four separate occasions during 3 months of learning in schools. No important positive relationship was found between the positive attitude towards general pedagogical principals and any of the instruction competence. A hebdomad negative relationship was obtained between instructors ââ¬Ë attitude and relationship with kids. It was suggested that the fosterage of positive attitudes in pre- service instruction, pupil instructors towards general pedagogical rules, on the footing of patterns aimed at heightening students ââ¬Ë academic accomplishment might consequences in lower quality instruction because of its inauspicious consequence on pupil- instructors relationship. Bassi and Kaur ( 1991 ) conducted a survey of the learning competence of linguistic communication instructors in relation to their job- satisfaction, venue of control and professional burnout. He found that ( I ) Language instructors had a moderate sense of personal achievement and success, and so they did non see any professional burnout. ( two ) There was no difference between the instruction competence and occupation satisfaction of the instructors on the footing of venue of control. ( three ) Female instructors, urban school linguistic communication instructors were found more externally controlled and satisfied with their occupations than the rural and high school linguistic communication instructors. ( four ) There existed a positive correlativity between the step of occupation satisfaction and the standard steps of learning competence, professional burnout variables and standard steps of learning competence. Thiagarajan et. Al. ( 1995 ) studied the relationship between instructor competence as perceived by pupils and accomplishment in Economics as a map of sex. Findingss revealed a important correlativity between learning competence and accomplishment. The magnitude of correlativity was different in male childs and misss. You read "Studies Related To Teaching Competency Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" Kaushal ( 2001 ) while analyzing the effectivity of schoolroom oppugning behavior preparation on a sample of 40 pupil instructors which every bit measured in footings of alteration in the schoolroom oppugning behaviour of pupil instructors and sweetening in learning competency reported that CQBT helps in heightening the learning competence of pupil instructors of experimental group as compared to command group of pupil instructors. Farah ( 2002 ) studied in his comparative survey of learning competences of the instructors trained through the formal system of instruction and those through the distance instruction system. The findings indicate that there is no important difference between the cognition and attitudes of instructors trained through distance manner and those trained through the formal system terminal there is a important relationship between the attitudes and accomplishments of instructors. Pushpam and Sourdarajan ( 2004 ) conducted a survey of learning competence of secondary school instructors and found that ( I ) instructors working in assisted and matriculation schools have better learning competence than instructors working in govt. and corporation schools. ( two ) The learning competence of more experient instructors is better than the teaching competence of less experient. ( three ) Aged and high income govt. instructors have better instruction competence. ( four ) Private unaided school instructors have better instruction competence and station alumnus have better learning competence than the alumnus instructors. ( V ) Permanent instructors show better learning competence than impermanent instructors. ( six ) Teachers with high income have better learning competence than instructors with low income. ( seven ) No difference was found between rural and urban school instructors sing their instruction competence. ( eight ) Positive attitude of instructors towards le arning profession, occupation satisfaction of instructors and intelligence of pupils increase the learning competences of secondary school instructors. Shokeen ( 2006 ) studied the consequence of schoolroom oppugning behavior preparation on learning competence of pupil instructors and their ego construct and found that the experimental group pupil instructors asked more inquiries in their schoolroom as compared to the control group. The CQBT was found to be a better scheme than the conventional programme, of pupil instruction as learning competence of pupil instructors was enhanced after CQBT. It was besides found that CQBT was non merely effectual in bettering the schoolroom oppugning behaviour of pupil instructors, but it besides helps in bettering their ego construct. The overall appraisal points towards the ultimate effectivity of CQBT and it provides a theoretical account for proof of instructor. Smriti ( 2008 ) conducted a survey of creativeness in relation to learning competence of B.Ed. pupils and found that ( I ) There is no important difference between the creativeness of B.Ed. pupils belonging to rural and urban background. Therefore it is concluded that creativeness is non being affected by country or part. ( two ) There is no important difference between the creativeness of male and female B.Ed. pupils. Hence creativeness is non being affected by gender. ( three ) There is no important difference between the creativeness of B.Ed. pupils belonging to scientific discipline and humanistic disciplines watercourse. Therefore it is concluded that creativeness is non being affected by topics studied by pupils. ( four ) There is positive correlativity between creativeness and learning competence of B.Ed. pupils. Augustine, J. ( 2010 ) studied the ââ¬ËTeaching Aptitude, Competency, Academic background and Achievement in Educational Psychology of Student- instructors in the college of instruction. ââ¬Ë A sample of 200 pupil instructors selected from 5 colleges of instruction in Kottayam Revenue territory of Kerala was used. The findings of the survey showed that ( I ) There is important positive relationship between learning competence and learning aptitude of pupil instructors. ( two ) There is no consistent positive relationship between academic background and learning aptitude of pupil instructors. ( three ) There is no important positive relationship between learning aptitude and accomplishment in educational psychological science. Khatoon, Azeem and Akhtar ( 2011 ) studied the impact of different factors on learning competences at secondary degree in Pakistan. The survey investigated in to a descriptive research to critically reexamine of the impact of different factors on learning competences at secondary degree. The survey has defined female school instructor ââ¬Ës socio cultural jobs and environmental jobs.The chief aims of the survey were to happen out the female school instructors, socio cultural jobs, and Environment jobs and to mensurate the instruction competence of instructors by relationship between instructors and pupils. The undermentioned consequences were drawn by the research worker in the visible radiation of the analysis of the information. The largely households are in favours of female instructor ââ¬Ës occupation. The consequence proves that the female save the clip for domestic work due to hold half twenty-four hours occupation. The consequence proves that professional green-eyed mons ter is everyplace and largely it effects on their instruction competence. Kavita ( 2011 ) studied the consequence of schoolroom oppugning behavior preparation on learning competence of pupil instructors, attitude towards learning and their ego construct. A close analysis of the consequences indicates that the CQBT was found to be better scheme, than the conventional programme, of pupil instruction as learning competency of pupil instructors was enhanced after CQBT. It was besides found that CQBT was non merely effectual in bettering the schoolroom inquiring of pupil instructors, but it besides helps in bettering their ego construct. The overall appraisal points towards the ultimate effectivity of CQBT and it provides a theoretical account for proof of instructor. Pawar, I.A. ( 2011 ) studied the ââ¬ËImpact of Teacher Training on Teacher Competencies ââ¬Ë . The findings of the survey showed that ( I ) There is no important difference between the average tonss on instructor competences graduated table of instructors who have trained through conventional and that of those instructors who have done instructor preparation through distance instruction manner in footings of their cognition and attitude. ( two ) There is no important difference between the average tonss on instructor competences graduated table of male and female instructors who have trained through conventional every bit good as distance manner. Surveies related to Psychological Capital: Luthans and Youssef ( 2004 ) found that Authentic leaders ââ¬Ë assurance, hope and optimism roots from their strong beliefs in themselves, in their positive psychological capital and in doing clear to associates precisely what they need from them in order to accomplish sustainable growing and public presentation at single, squad, and/or organisational degrees. Such leaders besides recognize that they have failings, which they work to suit by environing themselves with highly capable followings and constructing an inclusive and engaged positive organisational context. Such contexts support followings for being actively involved in executing their occupation functions and duties, every bit good as in lending to the leader ââ¬Ës ain development. Lifeng, Z. ( 2007 ) studied the ââ¬ËEffects of Psychological Capital on Emplyoees ââ¬Ë occupation public presentation, organizational committedness and organisational citizenship behaviour. ââ¬Ë The consequence of the survey showed that after commanding for the demographic variables ( gender and age ) , emplyoees ââ¬Ë hope, optimism and resilience individually had positive impacts on their occupation public presentation, organisational committedness and organisational behaviour. Employees ââ¬Ë psychological capital ( a combined concept of hope, optimism and resilience ) had positive impacts on their occupation public presentation, organisational committedness and organisational citizenship behaviour. To sum up, this survey through empirical observation tested the positive relationship between psychological capital employees ââ¬Ë results. The research consequences indicated psychological capital had positive impacts on employees ââ¬Ë public presentation. Luthans, Norman, Avolio, , ( 2008 ) conducted a survey on ââ¬Ë The mediating function of psychoogical capital in the supportive organisational climate- employee public presentation relationship. ââ¬Ë The survey investigates whether the late emerging nucleus concept of positive psychological capital ( dwelling os hope, resiliency, optimism and efficaciousness ) plays s function in interceding the effects of a supportive organisational clime with employee results. Using 3 diverse samples, consequences shows that employees ââ¬Ë psychological capital is positively related to their public presentation, satisfaction, committedness and a supportive clime is related to employees ââ¬Ë satisfaction and committedness. Avey, Luthans and Youssef ( 2008 ) studied ââ¬ËThe Additive Value of Positive Psychological Capital in Predicting Work Attitudes and Behaviors ââ¬Ë . This survey of a sample of employees ( N=336 ) from a wide cross subdivision of organisations and occupations found that their state-like psychological capital is positively related to desired extra-role organisational citizenship behaviours ( OCBs ) and negatively with unsought organisational cynicism, purposes to discontinue and counterproductive workplace behaviours. Except for single OCBs, their psychological capital besides predicted alone discrepancy in the same attitudinal and behavioural results beyond their demographics, nucleus self-evaluation, and personality traits, and person-organization tantrum and person-job tantrum. Avey, Luthans and Jensen ( 2009 ) studied the Psychological Capital: A Positive Resource for Combating Employees Stress and Turnover. The findings of the survey were ( I ) There was negative relationship between positive psychological capital and emphasis symptoms. ( two ) There was negative relationship between psychological capital and purposes to discontinue and occupation hunt behaviours severally. ( three ) Symptoms of emphasis would partly intercede the relationship between the psychological capital and both purposes to discontinue and occupation hunt behaviours. Mathur and Tiwari ( 2011 ) studied the Positive Psychology Capital, E.Q. , and S.Q. as determiner of subjective well-being in executive adult females and found that subjective well being is every bit and strongly influenced by several factors but the major 1s include positive psychological capital, E.Q. and S.Q. It is apprehensible that individuals who have properties of positive psychological capital, E.Q. and S.Q. can successfully get by with emphasiss of life and such emphasiss are perceived as chances instead than challenges. Based on these observations, it can be concluded that Psychological Capital, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence play a important function in the care of Subjective Well Being in executive adult females. It can be indirectly assumed that these adult females must besides be really high on self- efficaciousness, resiliency, optimism and hope. Ravindranath ( 2011 ) explained the Life accomplishments as an attack in psychological capital in life and work scenes. He discussed that an intercession like life accomplishment s preparation are comprehensive including assorted countries like thought, behaviour and emotions. The concluding marks being self- consciousness, self- regard and accepting of others. In an person, life accomplishments develop over the old ages continuously in an active mode. There are many accomplishments, which are needed to successfully negociate each and every interaction. Expected learning results include a combination of cognition, values, attitudes and accomplishments with a peculiar accent on those accomplishments that are related to critical thought, and job resolution, self direction and communicating and inter- personal accomplishments. Further more life accomplishments evolved as a consequence of mental well being and wellness, so life accomplishments can be considered as an intercession scheme in positive psychological science and wellness. Kaur ( 2012 ) studied the occupation satisfaction of secondary school instructors in relation to psychological capital. She found that ( I ) there was negative negligible relationship between occupation satisfaction and psychological capital of secondary school instructors. ( two ) There was negative negligible relationship between occupation satisfaction and psychological capital of govt. secondary school instructors. ( three ) There was negative negligible relationship between occupation satisfaction and psychological capital of private secondary school instructors. ( four ) There was negative negligible relationship between occupation satisfaction and psychological capital of male secondary school instructors. ( V ) There was negative negligible relationship between occupation satisfaction and psychological capital of female secondary school instructors. Surveies Related to Religious Intelligence: Vaughan ( 2002 ) discussed that Spiritual intelligence is concerned with the interior life of head and spirit and its relationship with being in the universe. Religious intelligence implies a capacity for a deep apprehension of experiential inquiries and an penetration into multiple degrees of consciousness. Religious intelligence besides implies consciousness of spirit as the land of being or as the originative life force of development. If the development of life from stardust to mineral, veggie, animate being, and human being implies some signifier of intelligence instead than being a strictly random procedure, it might be called religious. Religious intelligence emerges as consciousness evolves into an ever-deepening consciousness of affair, life, organic structure, head, psyche, and spirit. Religious intelligence, so, is more than single mental ability. It appears to link the personal to the transpersonal and the ego to spirit. It goes beyond conventional psychological developme nt. In add-on to self-awareness, it implies consciousness of our relationship to the transcendent, to each other, to the Earth and all existences. As a clinical psychologist, he farther explains that â⬠spiritual intelligence opens the bosom, illuminates the head, and inspires the psyche, linking the single human mind to the underlying land of being. Religious intelligence can be developed with pattern and can assist a individual distinguish world from semblance. It may be expressed in any civilization as love, wisdom, and service. â⬠Mahajan ( 2011 ) studied the Academic Achievement in relation to Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence. A sample of 140 pupils analyzing in category Eleven from four schools of Hoshiarpur was taken for the aggregation of informations. The technique employed was multistage randomisation of bunchs at school and subdivision degree. B- Variate coefficients and t- ratios were used to analyze the information. The findings were- ( I ) There exists no important difference between the emotional intelligence of male childs and misss. ( two ) There exists no important difference between the religious intelligence of male childs and misss. ( three ) There exists positive and important relationship between academic accomplishment and emotional intelligence of male childs and misss. Besides the relationship was found positive and important for male childs and misss individually. ( four ) There exists positive and important relationship between academic accomplishment and Religious Inte lligence of male childs and misss. Besides the relationship was found positive and important for male childs and misss individually. ( V ) There exists positive and important relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence of male childs and misss. Jeloudar and Goodarzi ( 2012 ) examined the relationship between instructors religious intelligent and their occupation satisfaction index at senior secondary schools degree. Participants were 177 pedagogues who completed the religious Intelligence Scale ( ECI ) , and a version of the Job Descriptive Index is a graduated table used to mensurate six major factors associated with occupation satisfaction based on a selected demographic variable. The findings of the survey showed that there were important relationship between instructors ââ¬Ë religious intelligence and their occupation satisfaction. The survey besides revealed that there was important difference found between instructors ââ¬Ë religious intelligence and their academic degrees. Further there were important relationship was found between instructors ââ¬Ë religious intelligence and five factors of occupation satisfaction: ( nature of the work itself, attitudes towards supervisors, dealingss with colleagues, chances for publicity, work status in the present environment ) , but no important relationship with one factor ( salary and benefit ) of occupation satisfaction. Rastgar, Davoudi and Oraji ( 2012 ) conducted a survey in Mazandaran, a state in North of Iran, and aimed to analyse the function of emplyoees ââ¬Ë religious intelligence in perceptual experience of organisational justness. There were 1100 forces in Mellat bank. A sum of 366 questionnaire were distributed among the bank forces and 288 filled questionnaires were returned. The factor analysis and findings show that emplyoees ââ¬Ë religious intelligence has a important positive influence on perceptual experience of organisational justness. This determination implied that the higher the degree of emplyoees ââ¬Ë religious intelligence, tended to increase the degree of employees ; perceptual experience of organisational justness. How to cite Studies Related To Teaching Competency Education Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Worlds Our Stage We Are The Players free essay sample
An analysis of As You Like It by William Shakespeare. This paper introduces and discusses As You Like It by William Shakespeare. Specifically, it illustrates how Jaques speech informs the readers of the plays intent, and how the binary relationships in the play add to its meaning and performance. We also learn more about Jaques, the pessimistic grumbler who is the opposite of Rosalind and Celia, two of the optimists of the play. Almost all the characters chide Jaques about his attitude at some time or other during the play. Jaques is the anchor role that keeps this romantic comedy from becoming too buoyant and unbelievable. He is sour, and keeps the action from becoming too sappy. He is the melancholy character, opposite of the witty and laughable Touchstone, the jester. Shakespeare knew that you cannot have only positive and funny characters to get the point of the play across, you need to balance them with the cynicism of a character like Jaques to really create a realistic portrayal of his themes and issues. We will write a custom essay sample on The Worlds Our Stage We Are The Players or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Touchstone is a jester, but so is Jaques in his own way. His consistent pessimism is as ridiculous as Touchstones jesting.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Website Launch Checklist 25+ Things to Check Before Launching Your Site
Are you preparing to launch your WordPress website? To help make it a success, we created this handy website launch checklist to ensure a smooth launch when you make your site public.Well cover everything from proofreading to testing performance. And while some of these tips might seem a little basic, thats kind of the point! We want to help you make sure that you didnt accidentally overlook some small, but important, aspect of your website.To do that, take a few minutes and run your website through this list Content should be easy to read font size, short sentences, bullet points, lots of white spaceImages must be optimized, properly labeled and have alt textAudio and video files need to work properly2. Make sure you have a contact pageNot only does a contact page allow visitors to get in touch with you, it adds credibility and improves the trust quotient of your website. Find out how to add one to your website in this post.3. Test your sites usabilityCheck that all functional aspe cts of the website work as intended. Usability is important for conversions as well as for overall SEO. Most importantly, you need to look at each element on your website just as a visitor would.Ensure that images are optimized for speedIn particular, test all call-to-action forms and contact formsOn a multi-user site, check the login procedure, roles, and credentialsCheck out overall experience through the eyes of a user consuming content on the websiteIn case youve put autoresponders in place, make sure they respond as you intendedIf your website is going to accept payments, do a test run of each step in the purchase/payment process, including the success page redirect. This includes downloads, sign-ups, shopping cart functions, payment processing, email notifications, buttons, and links4. Make sure your navigation worksAt no point should visitors be unsure of which button to click next on your website. Besides, your on-site search should work smoothly and accurately. Try moving t hrough the different locations on your website as a casual visitor would.Read this post for more tips on how to create a great navigation structure.5. Check for mobile-friendlinessTesting for compatibility with mobile devices is now an essential part of any website launch checklist, given Googleââ¬â¢s focus on mobile-first indexing. Consequently, your website must be mobile-friendly, and just as functional and pleasing on mobiles as it is on desktops.In other words, text should be easy to read on mobile devices, content should be the same on both versions of your website, navigation is easy, buttons have proper spacing, etc.Fortunately, you can use Googles own tool, Googleââ¬â¢s Mobile-Friendly Testà to test these aspects.6. Review browser compatibilityIts not enough to view the website from your browser alone. Additionally, you need to see how it appears in different versions of major browsers. At the bare minimum, youll need to test it on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.Again, youll find free tools likeà Browsershotsà for this purpose. It uses a number of computers at different locations to open your website in various browsers. It then captures screenshots of your web pages in different browsers and uploads them to a central dedicated server for your review.7. Run compatibility testingSometimes, it can happen that plugins dont play nice with each other. Therefore, its advisable to run a compatibility test using plugins like PHP Compatibility Checker. This avoids glitches on account of plugin, theme, or WordPress update conflicts. PHP Compatibility Checker Author(s): WP EngineCurrent Version: 1.5.0Last Updated: July 30, 66%Ratings 904,470Downloads WP 3.5+Requires 8. Get ready for 404sSure, 404 errors are not likely on a new website. Nevertheless, a visitor may mistype or somehow land on a ââ¬Å"Page Not Foundâ⬠error message. Just so you dont lose this visitor, and to improve user experience, crea te a custom 404 page. 404page your smart custom 404 error page Author(s): Peter RaschendorferCurrent Version: 11.0.4Last Updated: October 6, 98%Ratings 875,900Downloads WP 4.0+Requires Not only that, you can set up email alerts to track 404 errors from the moment your site goes live, and fix them early.9. Make sure URLs are correctOften, when a site is moved from the staging area to production, its necessary to change all the URLs. Make sure to double-check that all the URLs are correct on the live version of your site before you move any further through the website launch checklist.10. Make sure you have clear calls-to-actionThis is one check you cannot afford to ignore ensuring the site has clearly defined call to action elements. Call to actions help funnel your visitors to the most important locations. Or, they can help you build an email list, if thats your goal.11. Install and configure an SEO pluginInstall theà Yoast SEO pluginà or any oth er SEO plugin to optimize for SEO. Make sure every page has a unique title, a meta description, and is optimized for keyword usage. Learn more about basic WordPress SEO here.12. Configure your permalinksUsing permalinks that describe the content of each page makes them easy to remember, more usable, and more SEO-friendly. Find out more about how to configure permalinks in this post.13. Check your XML sitemaps/HTML sitemapMost SEO plugins usually build a sitemap for you automatically, but you should double check that it:Really does exist.Is working properly and includes all the content it should.14. Check your robots.txt FileA robots.txt file also helps search engines to crawl your website more efficiently. You can learn more about this in Googles guide on the subject, and we have an article on how to optimize your WordPress sites robots.txt file.15. Test for AMP compatibilityIn case youââ¬â¢re using Googleââ¬â¢s AMP project to speed up your site for mobile visitors, hop on a m obile device or an AMP tester tool and make sure that everything is working properly.16. Test social media integrationTry out your social icons to see if they are working as they should. Do they link to the right pages? Do you have the right buttons installed? Does the share functionality work right, if youre using it?17. Check your sites accessibilityAccessibility is all about making sure your site is usable forà everyone, even those with disabilities. Learn more about WordPress accessibility.18. Put a backup solution in placeRight before launching your website, take care to install a suitable backup solution and test it before you hit the launch button. It can save you a load of heartache and sleepless nights if something happens to your site after launch.19. Secure your websiteSimilarly, you really should take security seriously from the very beginning. In particular, the Admin areaà should be made as secure as possible to prevent entry of malicious bots and hackers.20. Confi rm your SSLDo you know that your website runs the risk of being labeled as Not Secure if it does not have an SSL certificate? Our earlier post can help you with adding an SSL certificate to your site. Also, you can use free online checkers to find out if theres anything missing with your certificate.21. Keep out spamBecause of WordPress popularity, ensuring you have anà anti-spam solutionà is a necessity when going through any website launch checklist. It makes comment management easier and your website safer.23. Update the timezoneAll scheduled activities and plugins rely on the time maintained by your WordPress. Therefore, its important to set up the timezone properly on your WordPress site. You can do this by going toà Settings General and looking for theà Timezone drop-down.24. Take care of the boring legal stuffTruly, this is the most boring part of our website launch checklist. However, its necessary if you dont want to get into legal issues later.Take care that requi red licenses are in place for images, fonts, plugins, etc.Consider including a Terms of Service to explain your services in detail.à Auto Terms of Service and Privacy Policy can help you get started with thisIn case your website is an ecommerce store or deals with money in any way, you should add a comprehensive Terms and Conditions sectionIf youre collecting data, its comforting to users if your Privacy Policy reassures them that their personal details are in good hands. Compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is necessary, too.A cookie warning is a legal requirement in many jurisdictions, so take care to include oneCheck out the legal requirements in different geographies for age verification, consent requirements, credit card processing and more.25. Delete any unwanted pluginsFinally, you should check your dashboard for plugins that are no longer needed and delete them to keep a lean and efficient WordPress site. While building your site, you mightve insta lled plugins that you ended up not using. Get rid of all those in preparation for launch day!Wrapping upThis website launch checklist is quite comprehensive, but by no means exhaustive. Whys that?Because once you finish out this website launch checklist and make your site live, there are also plenty ofà things to do right after you launch your website!Have any other tips? Let us know about them in the comments section! 25+ things to check before you launch your #WordPress #website!
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Italian Futurism
-in-freedomâ⬠led to new forms in visual communication with type, graphics and collage being used in conjunction to create picture poems later known as concrete poetry. The new approach to typography in design was embraced by the early literary works of Dadaism and stimulated the New typography movement. The Movement After Cubism a new movement called Futurism emerged in Italy. The movement exploded onto the European cultural scene on 20 February 1909 when Filippo Marinetti the founder and only member at this time aggressively announced the ââ¬ËManifesto of Futurismââ¬â¢ and it was published on the front page of the French newspaper Le Figaro. The manifesto not only celebrated the enthusiasm of the recently industrialized streets of Milan strongly went against conventional art ethics of the past "We will destroy the museums, libraries, academies of every kind...... Free Essays on Italian Futurism Free Essays on Italian Futurism Futurism is a movement that has been inspirational to me and has provided motivation to many other graphic designers and movements. ââ¬Å"Shock, in addition to opening peopleââ¬â¢s eyes, was part of the Futurist programmeâ⬠Being such a versatile group the works of the Futurists can be seen in numerous art genres. The paintings and typographical revelations are most impressive to me not only were they revolutionary at the time but I think that contemporary eyes are able to see deeper intentions and respect the impact that it had on art. The type of paintings that came out of this movement are visually stimulating to look at I admire the way that the Futurists were able to control the dimensions of a static picture. Borrowing from styles such as Cubism the Futurists manipulated brush strokes and formal elements such as line, balance and colour to portray images that had complex mechanical aesthetics and energetic infusions of bright colour combinations. They also were the founders of typographical innovations that were avant-garde at the time. The art of Marinettiââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"words-in-freedomâ⬠led to new forms in visual communication with type, graphics and collage being used in conjunction to create picture poems later known as concrete poetry. The new approach to typography in design was embraced by the early literary works of Dadaism and stimulated the New typography movement. The Movement After Cubism a new movement called Futurism emerged in Italy. The movement exploded onto the European cultural scene on 20 February 1909 when Filippo Marinetti the founder and only member at this time aggressively announced the ââ¬ËManifesto of Futurismââ¬â¢ and it was published on the front page of the French newspaper Le Figaro. The manifesto not only celebrated the enthusiasm of the recently industrialized streets of Milan strongly went against conventional art ethics of the past "We will destroy the museums, libraries, academies of every kind......
Friday, November 22, 2019
Art Of Portraiture
Art Of Portraiture Essay The three works that I chose that are art of portraiture are Head of a King, Mask of an Lyoba, and Mother Goddess. The first two portraits are West African Art from two different tribes, Ife, who created the Head of a King and Benin, whom created the Mask of an Lyoba. The Mother Goddess is an Aztec piece. These groups of people are from different cultures, time periods, and share different religious beliefs. The similarity of the groups is the symbolic meaning the portraitures brought to its people. The first work is the Head of a King. This Ife creation altered the perception that scholars had of the tribe. It was known that the Ife tribes did not do portraits because of the spirits that could harm the subjects. The sculptures that were discovered all seemed to resemble rulers, so the conclusion was that the institution of kingship and the need to revere royal ancestors were strong enough to overcome concerns. Also the figures were naturalistic. The proportions of the few knownful figures are characteristically African.. The heads may have been taken from life models, but seem more like idealized images. An example is of the proportions of the head of the sculpture. These proportions probably reflect a belief in the heads importance as the abode of the spirit, and the focus of the individual identity. Life is the sacred city of the Yoruba people, were naturalistic sculpture began. The Benin tribe arose after the Ife, and was greatly influenced by their art. Their portraits were also naturalistic, but as they grew more knowledgeable in art, they drew away from the naturalistic works of the Ife people into stylized works of their own. The Mask of an Lyoba is a beautiful ornamental mask of royalty. This works shows that the people no longer use the naturalistic approach, but a bold, more idealized, representation of its people. The art of Benin is a royal art, only the oba could commission the works. This work was commissioned in ivory, but most of the works were commissioned in brass. The Benin transition from naturalistic to stylize is better explained in the brass heads. It ranges from small, thinly cast, and naturalistic to large, thickly cast, and highly stylized. The conclusion of scholars is that in their Early Period, their heads were small and naturalistic from the Ife influence. Heads then grew increasingly stylized during the Middle Period. Then in the Late Period, the heads were very large and heavy, with angular stylized features and an elaborate beaded crown. In Mexico there was also portraitures. Specifically in the Aztec Empire were the Mother Goddess was created. This was a strong and powerful empire that was divided in classes. The religion was based on a complex pantheon that combined the Aztec deities with more ancient ones that had long been worshiped in Central Mexico. According to the Aztec belief, the gods created the current universe at the ancient city of Teothhuacan. Which is similar to the Ife belief that Gods came down and created the people. The culture and purpose of the people is then to worship and honor their gods forever. This was done by sacrifice and in their art. We are aware of the religion and the beliefs of the Aztec people because of their art. The gods were represented in statues and paintings that were narratives to teach their people and show respect to the gods. The Mother Goddess was a broad shouldered figure with clawed hands and feet has a skirt of twisted snakes. A pair of serpents, symbols of gushing blood, rise from her neck to form her head. Their eyes are her eyes; their fangs, her tusks. The writhing serpents of her skirt also form her body. Around her stump of a neck hangs a necklace of sacrificial offerings- hands, heart, and a dangling skull. READ: Art and humanities test 1 EssayDespite the surface intricacy, the sculptures simple, bold, and blocky forms create a single visual whole. This dramatic impact was also heightened by the color. This portraiture is very symbolic. Unlike the previous two works it is not of the rulers or the people at the time, it is of a god. But much like the first two works it is also idealized. This is what their mother god that guides them should look like. The Ife people created works that were spiritual and revealing their groups identity. The Benin people, once understanding art created stylized works that also expressed their identity, far more than anything naturalistic did. All three works represents the people and what is important to them. For the Aztec people it was their gods, and representing them in a dramatic and powerful way to teach their people. While the Ife people believed that the gods created them in likeness to themselves, so the portraits were also of their people in the ideal form that the gods wanted. The Benin culture were fascinated by art, and wanted to show respect to their rulers by their representation of them.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Early American History from 1790 to 1877 Term Paper
Early American History from 1790 to 1877 - Term Paper Example Just 14 years after the founding of our nation in 1790, many changes were already in the works, and America had already been one year under its first President, George Washington, who served as a general against the British in the Revolutionary War. During the second of his eight years in office, the Bill of Rights was drafted (in 1791), adding 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution ? which outlined the freedoms enjoyed by citizens, including the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms (Nussbaum 2006). Also during this term, the rivaling Federalist and Republican political parties were formed ââ¬â the former pressing for a strong central government and banking system with good ties to England, with the latter wanting an economy based in agriculture with weakening ties to Great Britain (Ibid.). After the turn of the century, America continued to want to expand its borders, and made the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, paying France $15 million for 800,000 square miles of land from Louisiana to Montana, doubling the nationââ¬â¢s size (Klose and Jones 1994, 130). ... This was followed by the Missouri Compromise of 1820, where the existing southern slave states agreed with the northern free states that Missouri would become a slave state if Maine became a free state (Nussbaum 2006). Just three years later, a treaty devised by President James Monroe, known as the Monroe Doctrine, was reached between the U.S. and European nations, where both sides agreed not to interfere with each otherââ¬â¢s (including Spainââ¬â¢s) colonizing interests, guaranteeing safety to all (Klose and Jones 1994, 154). However, all conflict was not avoided, as Mexicoââ¬â¢s General Santa Anna Stormed the Alamo in Texas and defeated American Colonel William Travis in a two-week battle in 1836, but the long battle gave the U.S. time to eventually defeat Santa Annaââ¬â¢s army in another showdown to make Texas independent and later become the 28th state (Nussbaum 2006). As populations swelled in the eastern U.S., European Americans sought to displace the occupying Indi ans in Georgia, and 7,000 troops forced 15,000 Cherokees to Oklahoma under grueling conditions in 1838 ââ¬â an exodus known as the Trail of Tears, where 4,000 Native Americans perished (Ibid.). America was growing, and there was not much that could get in the way. This expansionist frenzy would stop no time soon. A concept known as Manifest Destiny soon became the term used to spread the belief that it was Americaââ¬â¢s fate to occupy and claim land across the continent, from coast to coast, and many routes ? including the Oregon, California, Mormon, and Santa Fe Trails ? were traveled during this time to inhabit the far west (Baker 2006, 7). This expansion was not uncontested, however, as the Mexican-American War ending in 1848 resulted in a costly victory ââ¬â in money and casualties ââ¬â for the U.S., which
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Critical Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Critical Review - Essay Example We subdequently test this frame work by collecting data and using the collected data. Inductive Approach - In Inductive approach first we try to explore the data, then develop theories from them that we subsequently use to relate to literature. The basic purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the reasons of the success and failures of Joint Venture underatings. I have reviewed various literatures, reference of which is given at appropriate places, of a few joint venture organisations and tried to analyze the reasons of their success or failure whatever the case may be. I have selected a few well known organisation for my study. For reviewing I have studied the a few articles published in various journals, the information provided by the companies in their web site, printed company literatures. 'Japanese joint ventures with western multinationals: Synthesizing the economic and cultural explanations of failure' published in Asia Pacific Journal of Management Volume 6, No.2 / April 1989, (pages 225 -242). In the article the writers discuss the reasons for failure observed in joint ventures between Japanese and Western Multinational Enterprises. They summerize that the existence of cultural differences as the main reason for failure in joint bventures betwewn Japanese and Western MNCs. A review of the types of survey methodologies available, their uses, pros and cons. Survey
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Thoeries of Local Government in Nigeria Essay Example for Free
The Thoeries of Local Government in Nigeria Essay Rural development of the grassroots has been the concern of every responsible and responsive political system. This is because development and participation have continued to elude people of the grassroots. Development remains insignificant if it does not positively affect the lives of those in the periphery of decision making arrangement. The Nigerian state therefore created local government as the third tier of government whose objective is to ensure effective, measurable and efficient service delivery to the people. Local government is faced with various difficulties. The major concern of this paper is to dwell on these difficulties and illuminates the factors that are responsible for them. In achieving this, the paper relies on descriptive approach and unstructured interview. It concludes that problems of local government are multifarious in nature and the solutions for them should be adequate and practical in order to evolve viable and development-oriented third tier of government. Key words: grassroots, political system, autonomy, third tier, participation, development, uniformity, unity, culture, diversity, interference, national integration, performance, consciousness, concept, commitment, democracy, inefficiency, corruption, decentralisation. Introduction The expediency for the creation of local government anywhere in the world stems from the need to facilitate development at the grassroots. The importance of local government is a function of its ability to generate sense of belongingness, safety and satisfaction among its populace. All forms of government, regimes or political systems have so far ensured the attainment of this goal. Such strategy for ensuring national administrative development and political efficacy is found in the concept and practice of local government. Whatever is the mode of government, local government has been essentially regarded as the path to, and guarantor of, national integration, administration and development. In Nigeriaââ¬â¢s socio-political context, with multiplicity of culture, diversity of languages and differentiated needs and means, the importance of such an organisation in fostering the needed national consciousness, unity and relative uniformity as well as preservation of peculiar diversities cannot be over-emphasised. Central to the creation of local government, however, is its ability to facilitate an avenue through which government and the people intermix, relate and more quickly than any other means resolve or dissolve issues that may have heated the system. Local government has been perceived as a panacea for the diverse problems of the diverse people with diverse culture. As important as this tier of government has been, there seems to be some impediments that have been infringing on its performance and functions in recent times. These impediments range from political but undue interference of the higher levels of government i. e. federal and state governments, bribery and corruption to embezzlement and gross inadequacy of well-trained and qualified personnel to mention a few. The Concept of Local Government The concept of local government involves a philosophical commitment to democratic participation in the governing process at the grassroots level. This implies legal and administrative decentralisation of authority, power and personnel by a higher level of government to a community with a will of its own, performing specific functions as within the wider national framework. A local government is a government at the grassroots level of administration ââ¬Å"meant for meeting peculiar grassroots need of the people (Agagu, 1997:18). It is defined as ââ¬Å"government by the popularly elected bodies charged with administrative and executive duties in matters concerning the inhabitants of a particular district or place (Appadorai, 1975:287). Looking at the existence, performance and relevance of local government, Laski (1982:411) opines that: we cannot realise the full benefit of democratic government unless we begin by the admission that all problems are not central problems, and that the result of problems not central in their incidence requires decision at the place, and by the person, where and whom the incidence is most deeply felt Local government can also be defined as that tier of government closest to the people, ââ¬Å"which is vested with certain powers to exercise control over the affairs of people in its domainâ⬠(Lawal,2000:60). A local government is expected to play the role of promoting the democratic ideals of a society and co-ordinating development programme at the local level. It is also expected to serve as the basis of socio-economic development in the locality. Observations have shown that local government in Nigeria has not performed to expectation. Keen observers have since adduced various propositions for explaining the reasons why the system has recorded abysmal level of inefficiency and ineffectiveness vis-a-vis justification for its establishment. But before reading into the problems of local government, we shall first attempt to illuminate the historical background of local government in order to have adequate grasp of its future and achieve deeper understanding of salient issues raised in this paper. Brief Historical Background of Local government System in Nigeria Regardless of nomenclature, local government is a creation of British colonial rule in Nigeria. It has overtime experienced change in name, structure and composition. Between 1930s and 1940s, for instance, local government was known as chief-in-council and chief-and-council, where traditional rulers were given pride of place in the scheme of things. In the 1950s, election was introduced according to the British model in the western and eastern parts of the country with some measure of autonomy in personnel, financial and general administration (Nwabueze, 1982:20-21). It was on this premise that the rising tide of progress, growth and development experienced in the local governments in these areas was based. The pace of this development was more noticeable in the south than in the north. During this period, heterogeneity was the hallmark of local government as there was no uniformity in the system and the level of development was also remarkably different. The introduction of 1976 reforms by military administration of General Obasanjo brought about uniformity in the administrative structure of the system. The reforms introduced a multi-purpose single-tier local government system (Ajayi, 2000:70) The reforms also introduced population criterion under which a local government could be created. Consequently, a population of within 150,000 to 800,000 was considered feasible for a local government. This was done to avoid the creation of non-viable local council and for easy accessibility. There was provision for elective positions having the chairmen as executive head of local government with supervisory councillors constituting the cabinet. This was complemented by the bureaucrats and professionals, such as Doctors, Engineers, etc. , who were charged with the responsibility of implementing policies (1976 Guidelines). In 1991, a major landmark reform was introduced as the system had legislative arm. In addition, the Babangida administration increased the number of local government from 301 in 1976 to 453 in 1989 and 589 in 1991. the Abacha regime also increased the number to 774 local councils that we have today and the administrative structure also underwent some changes (Ajayi, 2000:71). In summary, it can be said that no public institution in Nigeria has been so subjected to frequent reforms than local government. Nearly every successive administration introduces one administrative change or the other. Apart from the celebrated 1976 reforms, state government officials have also introduced various manipulations. For instance, in Ekiti state, the tenure of elected local government officials was reduced to two years. While some retained it to reflect three years. In the southwest, except for Lagos, a caretaker committee was introduced in 2003 immediately after the general elections. In similar vein, in June 2007, some state governments dissolved their local councils and appointed caretaker committee to steer the affairs of the council prior the conduct of elections. It is germane to note here that these changes were not without resultant effects. Some of these changes met with social strife. For instance in 1997, the relocation of some local government headquarters was marked with large scale destruction of lives and property in Ondo, Osun, Delta, Rivers and Cross-River States (Omotosho, 1998:94-105). Specifically in Ondo State, the relocation of the then newly created Akoko South East local government headquarters from Oba Akoko to Isua Akoko was met with destruction of lives and property. In 1998, Abubakar administration introduced sole administrator system at the grassroots level before elections were conducted in December 1998 for the posts of chairmen and councillors. Also the dissolution of local councils in Ekiti State by the new administration of Governor Segun Oni in June 2007 generated furore between the local councilââ¬â¢s chairmen and the governor. In essence, it has become almost fashionable in Nigeria for incumbent administration to introduce one change or the other in the institution. So far, local government system in Nigeria has not been stable and this leaves its future to remain bleak, uncertain and insecure. Problems of Local Governments in Nigeria Despite the justification for the establishment of local government and its inevitable importance to the people at the grassroots level, this tier of government seems not to have justified the reasons for which it was established. The questions that summarily come to oneââ¬â¢s mind are: why has local government not lived up to its expectations? What are the causes of these seemingly conspicuous weaknesses? What are the challenges of the local government? And how can these weaknesses be corrected and the challenges met? The problems of local government are multifarious in nature and it is the concern of this paper to explain them in details. These problems include: Finance Despite the increase in the total amount of funds available to local government in Nigeria since early 1990s, its economic and financial profile is still very poor, relative to the development programme it is expected to carry out. This situation is not unconnected to the mismanagement and embezzlement of these funds by the local councils. Inadequacy of Skilled Workers Save for some few local councils in Lagos states and, perhaps, some southern states, local government generally has experienced and is still experiencing dearth of skilled, technical and professional staff like qualified engineers (of all types), medical doctors, accountants, statisticians, economists, lawyers, town planners, to mention a few. The facilitating factors for this include: Low image of local government in the mind of professionals who feel and think that there is no job satisfaction sufficient to keep them at that low level of public service. à Hopeless nature of the job attributable to, and arising from, low or no incentives for junior workers, no chances for creativity and innovation as well as perpetual delay in payment of salary. à Recently and more importantly, threat and fear of retrenchment of junior workers has derailed their psychological balance and affected their efficiency and output. This is fashionable in Ondo and Ekiti states where series of staff audit were being carried out just for the purpose of downsizing to reduce wage bill as a result of the demand for and payment of fifteen percent increase in salary. Manner of recruitment is questionable as it is based on subjectivity and consideration of sentiment. Employment was based on favouritism, nepotism, ethnic and political consideration and other primordial factors that replaced and displaced competence, qualification, experience and performance. Problems of Participation and Involvement For the past decades, more euphemistic phrases have since been employed to justify peopleââ¬â¢s participation at the grassroots. They include: ââ¬Å"Development from Belowâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Bottom-up Approach to Developmentâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Popular Participationâ⬠, Bringing Government Closer to the Peopleâ⬠and other catchphrase to argue for peopleââ¬â¢s involvement the affairs that directly affect them (Lawal, 2000:66). From all indications and convictions, research and physical observations have shown that there has been more hue and cry than action. Local government prepares estimates for its revenue and expenditure without proper recourse to, and due consultation with, the people for whom the exercise is being carried out to know their needs, their problems and potentials. A number of factors are responsible for non-involvement of people in their own affairs. These include: à Loss of interests in the project that will not benefit the chairmen and their cohorts. à The age-long belief by the officials that people are ignorant, illiterate and unenlightened. à Lack of political will by the leadership to run an open administration due again to selfish interest. Poverty of socio-political philosophy for change. Misplaced Priority Hard-earned and limited resources accrued to and raised by local government are always mismanaged. Priorities are misplaced; projects are done not according to or as demanded by the people but regrettably in tune with the selfish end and aggrandisement of the political leadership in collaboration with the senior bureaucrats at the local government level of administration. Coupled with this is the greatest bane of development in the Nigerian public service in general and local government in particular which corruption is. Reports of probe panels at the three tiers of government have revealed the culpability of civil servants. Corruption in low and high places, corruption has been rampant among the senior civil bureaucrats to whom the public funds meant for developmental purposes are entrusted. Generally, wide-scale embezzlement by officials of the grassroots has made the needed development of the grassroots a tall dream and has rendered them financially incapable to discharge their constitutionally assigned responsibilities. General Indiscipline Indiscipline is rampantly perceived and well pronounced among the workers in third tier of government. The senior officers who travel to their families away from their offices on Friday return very late the following Monday or may decide to stay back till Tuesday; and the junior members of staff who directly or indirectly observe this more often than not are in the habit of playing truant with their jobs. Little or no commitment to duty has become a rule rather than an exception. Offices have been turned to marketplaces where officers hawk their goods freely. The rules that guide moral conduct and professional ethics seem to have, at worse, become cobweb that is so weak to tame the monstrous activities of the workers. Indiscriminate lustful desires are noticeable among the workers. The officialââ¬â¢s relationship between super ordinates and subordinates has been stained. Strict instructions handed down from top echelon to the bottom are either not followed or treated with levity as a result of the immoral relationship between the boss and subordinates. Official duties are seen as an extension of private leisure. Laissez-faire attitude to work has arrested the efficiency of local government and has drastically affected its performance. Undue Interference The degree of external influence and intrusion in local government affairs by the higher levels of government is worrisome and needs re-evaluation. Situation where the state governor unconstitutionally dissolves the entire elected councilââ¬â¢s officers without proper investigations on spurious allegations is not good for the future of local government administration in the country. Such external interference indeed subverts democratic process and undermines constitutional authority at the grassroots level. The crux of the matter is the ââ¬Ëalmightyââ¬â¢ power and misuse of it enjoyed by the state governments over local governments. Practically, and in true sense, local government in Nigeria lacks autonomous financial power. Local government is now considered as an extension of stateââ¬â¢s ministry. The inherent nature of this problem has caused subservience, a situation where local government waits for the next directives from state government before the former could think of, let alone embarking on developmental projects. This has made local government an object of control and directives. The major challenge that local government faces is the political control the respective state governor has on the local government chairmen. This is as a result of the fact that state governor sponsors election of most, if not all, of the chairmen. They are handpicked by the state governor rather than being elected. It is a clear case of who pays the piper dictates the tune. This again creates a problem of diversion of local government funds for personal use of state governor. In Ondo state, for instance, there is this unholy alliance between state government and local councils in the state, where the state government constitutes Joint Action Committee, tagged ââ¬ËJACââ¬â¢. Federal allocations to local government are first deposited into a particular ad hoc account before calling for the committee meeting. This in a way paves the way for the state government to plan for the local government and release the money in instalments. The motive behind this is to divert the money to another thing entirely which does not have impact on the lives of the rural dwellers but that will be beneficial to the state governor. Another thing is the interest that the money will generate in the bank. The implication of this is that few of the local government chairmen who have genuine intentions and are ready to perform are being discouraged. This again assigns more power and control to the state governor. The overall effect of this is the negative impact it has on the people of the grassroots as they are getting more and more alienated from developments. Also illustrative and instructive is the arrest and prosecution by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) of the former Enugu State Governor, Chimaroke Nnamani, on the allegation of diverting local governmentsââ¬â¢ funds in the state. This shows the level of influence and control that state governors have over local governments in their respective states. This undue interference has incapacitated local government from effective functioning on the one hand, and alienated grassroots people from enjoying social services delivery expected of local government on the other.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Comparison of Honor in Beowulf and Parzival :: comparison compare contrast essays
Honor in Beowulf and Parzivalà à à à à à à à à à à à Throughout literary history authors have created and restored figures from all times that seem to represent what is honorable and chivalrous. The two literary legends compared in this paper are Beowulf and Parzival. These two figures in their own way find within them what is virtuous. At first impression it seems as though Beowulf is the warrior who contains the honor within himself, but as the two characters are compared in depth, it becomes obvious that Parzival's journey through manhood brings him to a much more noble and honorable place. Beowulf and Parzival's journey's began on the same path, each fatherless, they strove to search out what they saw as adventure. They jumped to whet their desires for the unknown and the chance to be a hero. A young Beowulf, we learn, challenges a peer to a match of strength. Unferth tells this tale of "when for pride the pair of [them] proved the seas and for a trite boast entrusted [their] lives to the deep waters, undissuadable by effort of friend or foe whatsoever from that swimming on the sea,"(Beowulf,65). Beowulf's stubborn pride lead him even at a young age to challenge what may have seemed beyond his reach for glory. Later on, Beowulf hearing the horrific tales of the monster Grendel that had been reeking havoc at Heorot, abruptly left his homeland to prove his gallantry. "The wiser sought to dissuade him from voyaging hardly or not at all," but the strong-headed Beowulf refused to listen to reason. Unlike Beowulf, Parzival was actually hidden from all opportunities of adventure by his mother. She fled to a place where she believed she could escape all traces of knighthood, which she believed to be evil. She was not successful though, and as soon as Parzival laid his eyes on the god-like knight, he made up his mind to leave his mother and all that he knew to seek adventure. The absence of her son drove her to an early grave. This action is one that Parzival was later deemed "unhonorable" for and one he deeply regretted. These boys both started out young and refused to listen to the reason of their elders. Against the wishes of the people who were wiser and more experienced, they let their pride and ambition overtake them. This did not show to be a promising beginning for either of them.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Public Display of the Ten Commandments Essay
People often find memorization exhausting and more like tiresome. All those numerous words and lines to remember tend to tire and bore most of them. Moreover, most of the time, they tend to memorize just for the heck of it and not for the benefit of understanding and knowledge. The Ten Commandments are some of the most popular lines that Christians should memorize and know by heart. These lines have long served as Christiansââ¬â¢ guiding passages and words towards the path to righteousness and morality. However, considering the generation todayââ¬âwhen more and more people detest the idea of memorizing and reading very thick pagesââ¬âwill the Ten Commandments still possess their utmost effect? Will they be able to serve their purpose of guiding the people towards goodness when not all Christians nowadays are able to memorize them? In what ways can the Christian Church assure that people are still living up to the message presented by the Ten Commandments? These are just some of the uncertainties on the effectiveness of the Holy Bible in reminding people about the Ten Commandments. Is Reading Enough? Today, as the developments in the information technologies continue to rise, the usual activities like conversing, sending messages, and even reading can be done through the use of a computer and an internet connection. Considering this reality, doubts on whether people nowadays are still grasping the idea of the Ten Commandments by reading the Bible may arise. However, this can be possible if there are numerous electronic copies of the Holy Bible available for people to access anywhere, and such copies have plenty of attractive visual designs, as humans are inherently visual beings (Pahlavan 270). Humanââ¬â¢s visual system is supported by other sensory organs which empower and strengthen its sensitivity to stimuli. Putting these facts in simpler terms, a person is said to have a natural tendency to prefer things which are more attractive to the sense of sight above other senses. Hence, it may be understandable why people tend to read more colorful and visually attractive materials compared to the intimidating and profound words of the Holy Bible. Knowing this, it can be inferred that putting a Bible beside a person who has the access to the internet and all its wonders would assure that that person would read it and understand what it says. Furthermore, people can no longer expect most children to prioritize the memorization of the Ten Commandments when they have all those tough and demanding homework and projects to do. Thus, is the Christian Church still assured that people read The Bible and the Ten Commandments everyday? If not, then how can the Ten Commandments be further promoted? Appealing to Humanââ¬â¢s Visual Preference At present, the huge banners, billboards, posters, and different visual advertisements are typical scenery along roads, malls, and literally almost everywhere. Various creative, artistic, and innovative ways are now used just to disseminate information better. Nowadays, these methods are typically through very visual advertisements. The message of the Holy Bible, specifically the Ten Commandments, is considered as the most important and relevant teaching of the Christian faith. Compared to the public service announcements of the government, mallsââ¬â¢ sales promotion, introduction of a new brand of soda, and all the other popular topics of ads today, it seems that the promotion of the Ten Commandments and all the other relevant messages of the Holy Bible has become a little unmerited. It is ironic that these messages are what appears to be the most significant and relevant messages for the people, yet why are there more ads for sodas, clothing lines, celebrities, and TV shows as compared to these important reminders? Also, if the Ten Commandments appear to be the greatest instructions and guidelines the people must comply with, why are there simpler and shorter road signs and traffic rules displayed compared to these profound yet very important words to follow and live by? This seems to be the greatest irony in todayââ¬â¢s advertisements and visual display practices. The significance of the Ten Commandments has been an eternal and undying idea among Christians. People exactly know that the Ten Commandments are the written key for salvation and freedom for sin, yet these commandments are still left unadvertised and unannounced compared to how the big ad agencies promote different products which do not actually level to the significance of the Ten Commandments in peopleââ¬â¢s everyday lives. Looking at this truth, it may seem disturbing and appalling how people value information that modern advertisements promote while they leave the message of the Ten Commandments unnoticed or disregarded. It also seems depressing, considering how the attitude of people towards these commandments has changed over the generations. This change in attitude and interest might have been caused by the technological advancements that the intelligent and creative minds of people themselves have created. Thus, it may appear necessary for the advocates of the Holy Bible and the Ten Commandments to go and ride with the growing technology in order to assure that people are not forgetting the Ten Commandments. With this effort, it can also be assured that people will always be reminded about these commandments and what they really mean. The display of the Ten Commandments can be most typically seen in churches. People seldom see these messages displayed in billboards or in freedom walls and posters. However, knowing the importance of these commandments in the lives of people, will it be improper to publicly display this message, or is it more appropriate to leave these messages in the pages of the Bible, hence leaving the choice to people whether they will choose to read it or not. Considering the abovementioned claims about human beings as visual creatures, and about the growth of very powerful advertising techniques, it may indeed be necessary for the Ten Commandments to appeal to the human sense of sight in order to keep up with the powerful advertisements people see nowadays. There could be several ways on how this special message can be promoted in order not to violate other beliefs and culture. What matters most is to send the message and assure that Christians will always remember its significance wherever they go. A variety of learning theories attest that remembering does not usually happen in the blink of an eye. In reality, it actually takes most people a certain period of time to remember something and fully understand its meaning. Memorizing and remembering the Ten Commandment are not an easy task as well. It is not also everyday that a teacher asks their students to memorize the Ten Commandments. Thus, people are not really sure as to whether the Ten Commandments are still remembered and observed nowadays. With this, it only goes to show that proper endorsement, exposure, and promotion are what these commandments really need. If public displays make a brand of soda very popular worldwide, how much more help it could do if a list of simple messages would be displayed to remind the people about moral stability and righteousness of the world? If powerful advertisements can make a politician and a celebrity known globally, how much more can it remind people about God who should be the most influential and the most popular idol above anyone else? This is not a major impossibility; people are just being hesitant to make it happen. The Bottom Line The Ten Commandments, in reality, may not be the most popular set of phrases and commands there are for people to remember. Yet, these commandments must be the most popular and the most significant set of messages that people should remember to live by everyday. While most people nowadays tend to overlook and disregard the Ten Commandments, people can never deny or refute the fact that the commandments are the simplest and the most fundamental set of laws that Christians must follow each day of their lives in order to preserve their moral stability and their positive and open connection to the Lord. The Ten Commandments are even considered as the fence which, when broken, may let a sheep out in an open field without any direction and sense of security (Frederick 1). It does not actually take a Bible genius to understand and fully grasp the message of the Ten Commandments; what someone needs is a person who is ready and willing to embrace what the Ten Commandments say in order to understand it fully. Perhaps, having these commandments displayed publicly may not violate Godââ¬â¢s will, for it might even give Him great help in disseminating the good news. If people are able to remember the many traffic rules there are on the roads. It may not be that hard to remember these simple commandments. If people are able to internalize popular phrases and quotes from politicians, it may not be that impossible as well for them to grasp what God is trying to teach people through the Ten Commandments. People are not always reminded everyday about the importance of the Ten Commandments and how these commandments should be lived out as well. Thus, displaying these special messages for public view may appear not just as a reminder but as an eternal and unchanging message as well of how the Lord wants His people to be always righteous and be on the right track. Works Cited Frederick, Allen. ââ¬Å"Do the Ten Commandments Matter? â⬠. Helium. com. 13 March 2009 . Pahlavan, Kourosh. ââ¬Å"Designing an Anthropomorphic Head-Eye System. â⬠Visual Attention and Cognition. Eds. C. Freska, H. S. Stiehl, and W. H. Zangemeister. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science, 1996. 269-292.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Personality Profile of Barrack Obama
Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States of America on the 20th January of the year 2009 (Rollason, 2010). It was undoubtedly a monumental moment as he was the first African American president in the history of America. President Obama, in many ways, has been relatively compared so frequently to prestigiously remembered figure; Martin Luther King Jr (Abramsky, 2009). Critics and supporters alike have labeled Obama as being the once-in-a-lifetime charismatic leader (Abramsky, 2009).While some extremist critics was convinced that he could be a Manchurian candidate in a covert mission to sabotage the American way of life (Abramsky, 2009), most are unable to deny that he exudes the characteristic of leader, profoundly shifting the American psyche and minds alike and shining a beacon of hope to a society that much needed to believe in the Americanââ¬â¢s dream. Obama displayed the intellects of his geneticsââ¬â¢ makeup; his mother and father whom both studied in Ha waii University. He possesses the profiles of his father; ambitiousness, articulateness and also the self confidence in the way he project himself to the world.Wayne (2010) elaborated on the social consciousness which is evidently inherited from his mother, Ann Dunham, as Obama has occasionally demonstrate that he is a listener, consistently seeking common grounds, showed his willingness to compromise, his marked adaptability and flexibility to changes which contribute significantly thereby earning him a place to where he is right now; a stark difference to his father, Barrack Obama Sr. , who was always quoted to be a bossy and possessing an unrelenting personality. In all of the political settings, Obama is quick to master the rules of the game (Abramsky, 2009).He understood the importance of the creation of close-knit group within the high echelons. His comprising manner and cool temperament image often exceeded him; he is cautious to rein in his anger when opponents pressed him, capable of masking his emotions thereby gaining a chance to regroup himself and very much aware and in control of his body language (Wayne, 2010: Abramsky, 2009: Winter, 2011). His most distinct trait was his unmistaken calmness which quickly garnered him the ââ¬Å"No Drama Obamaâ⬠tittle (Winter, 2011).Winter (2011) later suggested that Obama could be high on the emotional stability. Greenstein (2009) and Renshon (2008) mentioned Obamaââ¬â¢s openness to the view of others; getting counsel from former opponents and allies before reaching to a decision, affirming the evidence that he is high to openness to experience (McCrae & Costa, 2008; Wiggins, 1996). Openness to experience is one of the five major clusters of traits or the ââ¬Å"big fiveâ⬠model which also consist of agreeableness, conscientiousness and emotional stability (Winter, 2011).Obama is also prudent in planning and when he set a course, he methodically and systematically follows through it (Abramsky, 200 9). His elaborate and time consuming process in decision-making point that Obama is rather high on conscientiousness (Wayne, 2010: Winter, 2011). The tricky part will be distinguishing the agreeableness and extraversion. Though one might agree, having his life exposed in the world certainly merit him to a certain degree of extraversion but on a contrary, Obama still exudes a certain level of enigma and mystery.Some observers cited him as being ââ¬Å"coldâ⬠(Dowling & Warner, 2010). Interestingly, Wayne (2010) describes that as part of Obamaââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"mysticâ⬠(p. 11). Overall, Abramsky (2009) stated that Obamaââ¬â¢s presidency is no ordinary presidency. Due to the nature of his virtue, personality and historical legacy created by his campaign and his election, it has monolithically change the paradigms of how America view itself and the expectations of the future in its view of restructuring America in events of an economy collapse. Abramsky (2009) further stress ed that overwhelmingly, voters trusted Obama.Wayne (2010) however has a rather encompassing perspective. Wayne (2010) questioned readers whether Obama is a philosopher king; due to the fact that he is politically liberal, possess a distinctive cognitive style and eloquence in delivering speech; or is he simply a polarizing politician judging by the fact that he garners support specifically due to his complexity of his race and the prejudice that surround it. As Max Weber (2009) concluded in his book, ââ¬Å"It takes both passion (polarizing politician) and perspective (philosopher-king)â⬠(p. 28) to be able to ride the waves of a political settings. References: Abramsky, S. (2009): Inside Obamaââ¬â¢s Brain, Penguin Group, United States of America: Penguin Books Ltd. Dowling, S. , & Warner, M. B. (2010, November 4). Obama comes across as cold, arrogant, and elitist. Spiegel Online. http://www. spiegel. de/international/world/the-world-from-berlin-obama-comes-a cross-as-cold-a rrogant-and-elitist-a-727235-druck. html [3 March 2013] Greenstein, F. I. (2009). The presidential difference: Leadership style from FDR to Barack Obama (3rd Ed. . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Renshon, S. A. (2008). Psychological reflections on Barack Obama and John McCain: Assessing the contours of a new presidential administration. Political Science Quarterly, 123(3), 391ââ¬â433. Rollason, J. (2010): Barack Obama, Scholastic Ltd, London: Euston House. McCrae, R. R. , & Costa, P. T. , Jr. 2008. The five-factor theory of personality. In O. P. John, R. W. Robins, & L. A. Pervin (Eds. ), Handbook of personality theory and research (3rd Ed. , pp. 114ââ¬â158).New York: Guilford. Wayne, S. J. 2010. The Impact of Personality on Performance: Barack Obama in Presidency. The American University, http://www. american. edu/spa/ccps/upload/AUS-Wayne-paper. pdf [3 Mar 2013]. Weber, M. (2009): Essays in sociology (pp. 77ââ¬â128). New York: 2009. Wiggins, J. S. (Ed. ). (1 996). The five-factor model of personality: Theoretical perspectives. New York: Guilford. Winter, D. G. (2011): ââ¬ËPhilosopher-King or Polarizing Politician? : A Personality Profile of Barack Obamaââ¬â¢, Political Psychology, 32: 1059-81.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Stress2 essays
Stress2 essays Psychological stress is a result of many factors and should be dealt with very carefully. Stress can be defined as a set of interactions between the person and the environment that result in an unpleasant emotional state, such as anxiety, tension, guilt, or shame (swin pg 1). Another way of putting it, is that there are somethings that put certain demands on us. The effects of stress should not be limited to unpleasant emotional states. Many studies have concluded that the effects on our physical health from stress can be extremely detrimental. These adverse physical effects include heart disease and formations of cancer. There are also some societal issues that psychological stress can hamper. There are numerous elements that trigger the effects of psychological stress. Frustration is one of these elements that will trigger stress. Frustration is one of the most prevalent sources of stress in my life at this moment. A lot of different events will cause frustration. Frustration occurs from something blocking our attainment of certain goals or needs (Corey 207). All of the little things that frustrate us include waiting in lines or traffic, sense of failure or inadequacies, bad relationships, deaths, and loneliness. Self-defeating thoughts are a way in which we almost deliberately block attainment of our needs. If in our heads, we have this preconceived notion that we are incapable of obtaining something that we want or that others could not possibly love us, we create a self-fulfilling prophecy. I used the word "deliberately" in describing self-doubt because we have the ability to change these misinformed thoughts. Major life changes whether it be positive or negative can lead to very stressful situations. In our society, many people fall into a rut of everyday life and fear change to their daily routines. When any kind of change occurs it is very traumatic. There are many chang...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Crisis Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3
Crisis Management - Essay Example governments all over the world have initiated disaster management programs that are focused upon providing early warning signs about an imminent disaster and have also introduced action plans to educate members of the public and make them aware of measures they need to institute in order to be effectively prepared in the event of a natural disaster occurring. While there have been several disasters in the United States, one of the most memorable ones is the Katrina disaster, which resulted in losses of life and property that could have been easily prevented. Federalism is the system whereby certain portfolios are designated under State authority while others such as defense are under the Federal Governmentââ¬â¢s control. The Katrina disaster caused havoc in the state of Louisiana in particular and has come under sharp criticism because it was ineffectively managed. There was a lack of effective coordination between federal and State agencies in executing the Disaster Management Plan that was already in place. The FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) in the United States has been subject to sharp criticism on account of its bungling and mismanagement of the Katrina disaster which struck on August 29th, highlighted especially in the incident at the Convention Center in New Orleans where 25,000 people remained stranded for four days before they were rescued.( The State of Louisiana has an exhaustive Hurricane Disaster Plan. [Tapscott, 2005] which called for citizens to be evacuated early, however, none of the guidelines were followed, neither did the FEMA respond quickly and effectively to the disaster [Editorial, 2005]. Losses of life and property have been reported on an unprecedented scale. Although Federal response to disasters had already been initiated in past years for flood and earthquake control, the efforts were still largely decentralized until 1979 when the FEMA came into being. The Katrina problems however, arose because of
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) - Essay Example According to studies, the price of RFID will approach $0.05-0.10 if purchased in bulk. When this trend continues, it would not be long before the market will lean towards the RFID due to cost-effectiveness, thus, possibly defeating the role of barcodes that are widely used for commercial purposes with about 5 billion worldwide occurrences daily. One of the organisations that are working to regularise RFID is the EPCGlobal Inc., which is a cooperative effort between UCC and EAN. These are the two parties responsible for the application of barcodes in the U.S. and Europe market (RSA Security, 2004b). Through the advantages brought about by the RFID, problems in the privacy of consumers are raised by certain groups. Concerns on the possibility of detecting the possessions of the consumers without their knowledge are the main objective of these groups. If access of being able to detect and read the RFID were given to the wrong hands, possibility such as robbery and other crimes is at hand. Also, the business groups perceive the possibility of RFID being a tool for company surveillance. As a possible answer to the security issues, RSA Security provides ways to validate RFID readers and to be able to make protected internal transactions (RSA Security, 2004a). The Radio-F... Upon activation from the reading device, the RFID tag sends a signal which can be translated as a distinct number that can identify the particular item. In this effect, the RFID tag does not require a power source because it can be considered as inert and works only when stimulated. There are already practical uses of this technology. One application is for proximity cards that are used more conveniently than metal keys. Other examples include payment devices such as Speedpass, E-Z Pass and FasTrak. Another advantage is for identification of lost pets wherein RFID tags implanted through surgical procedure can be scanned to be able to determine the owner even if other sorts of identification are lost (RSA Security, 2004b). Basic System Schematic Source: Important technologies led to the development of the RFID. One invention that can be related to the evolution of this technology is the apparatus for the Soviet government with the main purpose of surveillance made by Lon Theremin in 1945. It works through a process similar to the RFID wherein activation was possible through the intercepted radio waves and audio information. According to references, technology applied in the RFID was present in the 1920s although it was also stated that such application was just discovered in the 1960s (AIM, n.d). Another technology that may have an influence in the RFID development was the IFF transponder in 1939 that belongs to the British and was used during the World War II. Using this technology, they were able to determine whether airplanes are enemies and which are allies. In the study of RFID, one of the earliest people who made interest on the technology is Harry Stockman in his work "Communication by Means of Reflected
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Prepare Semi-Structured questions for interviews and questioners Essay
Prepare Semi-Structured questions for interviews and questioners - Essay Example For example, for projects like infrastructure and construction (say electricity transmission, Roads development, Buildings Construction etc.) are there very specific factors that developers have to look out for to ensure that there are no delays? 10. What you say in the response to the above about the importance of planning stageâ⬠¦is it equally true for different types of large projects. From construction to infrastructure, does your opinion about the importance of the planning stage applies to all types of large projects? 16. Can you think of some reasons why planning stage errors ââ¬â like incorrect assessment of risks, uncertainties and probabilities occur? Is it because of the assessment tools and risk assessment models that are used in Qatar? 17. Are the above difficulties ââ¬â in calculating risks and uncertainties and assigning probabilities ââ¬â further complicated by the State of Qatarââ¬â¢s unique geographic, socio-cultural and historical issues? 18. Do you think that one of the other factors that can be assigned with causing project delays is of Budget? Does lack of accurate budget estimation in the planning stage lead to the delays in the project completion? 20. Do you think that delays at the execution phases of the project (monitoring, control and closure) are specific to tactical planning and execution failures? Or are these just a manifestation of the incorrect planning at the initiation and designing stage? 22. Can some of the delays at the planning stage be attributed to an inadequate choice of project management structure and style? Please elaborate on what are the most suitable project management structures to use in large scale projects, especially in the context of Qatar. 23. Do you think that one of the reasons for disruption and delays are the lack of consensus among the numerous stakeholders on the budget, perception of risk and end objectives of the large scale projects? How does this play out in the context of the State
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Providing quality care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Providing quality care - Essay Example In countless regions in the world, nursing programmes are aimed at increasing proficiencies that assist nurses in handling particular nursing/care needs (Fitzpatrick Kazer 2012, p. 54). This paper will examine some of the behaviours, attitudes, and abilities necessary to become a professional nurse, and some of the elements that are crucial in the nursing field. . The progress witnessed in different regions in terms of healthcare has seen the role of the nurses become a major game changer in the medical field. The nursing fraternity has a framework in which all the actions and duties are reflected that aid in the protection and assistance of all individuals in need of medical care. The ethical and professional behaviours that nursing personnel are meant to exhibit should also reflect the attitude and organizational culture of their respective organizations (Fry & Johstone 2008, p. 37). This is done to make sure that the nursing profession maintains the professionalism and attitude that is needed in catering to the needs of people in society, and the overall good of the medical practice. Nursing requires an individual to have what may be considered the 6Cs, which are; compassion, care, courage, commitment, competence, and communication. They assist nurses to engage positively and professionally with all those meant to be in their care. All these behaviours are crucial in nursing because they assist nurses in understanding their patients and treating them professionally (Goodman & Clenmow 2010, p. 57). Care defines how nurses are meant to carry out their duties. It needs to be constantly and consistently provided at every stage. Compassion is paramount when it comes to understanding the predicament in which their patients are in, and what may be done to assist them. Compassion looks into how care is delivered to those in need. Competence comes into play when a nurse understands and comprehends the nature of the individual in
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Passport Program In The Success Of Hero Honda
Passport Program In The Success Of Hero Honda Hero Honda Motors Limited, based in Delhi, India is a joint venture between the Hero Group of India and Honda of Japan. Verification. It has been referred to as the worlds biggest manufacturer of 2-wheeled motorized vehicles since 2001, when it produced 1.3 million motorbikes in a single year. During the fiscal year 2008-09, the company has sold 3.28 million bikes and the net profit of the company stood at Rs. 1281.7 crore, up 32% from the previous fiscal year. The companys most popular model is the Hero Hondas Splendor, which is the worlds largest-selling motorcycle, selling more than one million units per year. The company introduced new generation motorcycles that set industry benchmarks for fuel thrift and low emission. A legendary Fill it Shut it Forget it campaign captured the imagination of commuters across India, and Hero Honda sold millions of bikes purely on the commitment of increased mileage. Over 20 million Hero Honda two wheelers tread Indian roads today. These are almost as many as the number of people in Finland, Ireland and Sweden put together! Hero Honda has consistently grown at double digits since inception; and today, every second motorcycle sold in the country is a Hero Honda. Every 30 seconds, someone in India buys Hero Hondas top -selling motorcycle Splendor. This festive season, the company sold half a million two wheelers in a single month-a feat unparalleled in global automotive history. Hero Honda bikes currently roll out from its three globally benchmarked manufacturing facilities. Two of these are based at Dharuhera and Gurgaon in Haryana and the third state o f the art manufacturing facility was inaugurated at Haridwar, Uttrakhand in April this year. These plants together are capable of producing out 4.4 million units per year. Hero Hondas extensive sales and service network now spans over 3000 customer touch points. These comprise a mix of dealerships, service and spare points, spare parts stockiest and authorized representatives of dealers located across different geographies. Hero Honda values its relationship with customers. Its unique CRM initiative Hero Honda Passport Program, one of the largest programs of this kind in the world, has over 3 million members on its roster. The program has not only helped Hero Honda understand its customers and deliver value at different price points, but has also created a loyal community of brand ambassadors. Having reached an unassailable pole position in the Indian two wheeler market, Hero Honda is constantly working towards consolidating its position in the market place. The company believes th at changing demographic profile of India, increasing urbanization and the empowerment of rural India will add millions of new families to the economic mainstream. This would provide the growth ballast that would sustain Hero Honda in the years to come. As Brijmohan Lall Munjal, the Chairman, Hero Honda Motors succinctly points out, We pioneered Indias motorcycle industry, and its our responsibility now to take the industry to the next level. Well do all it takes to reach there. Company profile Hero is the brand name used by the Munjal brothers for their flagship company Hero Cycles Ltd. A joint venture between the Hero Group and Honda Motor Company was established in 1984 as the Hero Honda company, India. During the 1980s, the company introduced motorcycles that were popular in India for their fuel economy and low cost. A popular advertising campaign based on the slogan Fill it Shut it Forget it that emphasized the motorcycles fuel efficiency helped the company grow at a double-digit pace since inception. Hero Honda has three manufacturing facilities based at Dharuhera and Gurgaon in Haryana and at Hardware in Uttarakhand. These plants together are capable of churning out 3.9 million bikes per year.[citation needed] Hero Hondas has a large sales and service network with over 3,000 dealerships and service points across India. Hero Hondas customer loyalty program,[clarification needed] the Hero Honda Passport Program, claims to be one of the largest programs of its kind in the world with over 3 million members. The 2006 Forbes 200 Most Respected companies list has Hero Honda Motors ranked at 108. History India became the second largest two wheeler manufacturer in the world and starting in the 1950s with the Automobile Products of India (API) that manufactured the Lambrettas and Bajaj Auto Ltd. with its association with Piaggio of Italy (manufacturer of Vespa scooters) as the largest manufacturers within the country citation needed. The license raj that existed between the 1940s to 1980s in India did not allow foreign companies to enter the market and imports were tightly controlled. This regulatory maze, before the economic liberalization, made business easier for local players to have a sellers market.[neutrality is disputed] Customers in India were forced to wait up to 12 years to buy a scooter from Bajaj. The CEO of Bajaj commented that he did not need a marketing department, only a dispatch department. By the year 1990, Bajaj had a waiting list that was twenty-six times its annual output for scooters. The motorcycle segment had the same long wait times with three manufacturers: Royal Enfield, Ideal Jawa, and Escorts. Royal Enfield made a 350cc Bullet with the only four-stroke engine at that time and took the higher end of the market but there was little competition for their customers. Ideal Jawa and Escorts took the middle and lower end of the market respectively. In the mid-1980s, the Indian government regulations changed and permitted foreign companies to enter the Indian market through minority joint ventures. The two-wheeler market changed with four Indo-Japanese joint ventures: Hero Honda, TVS SUZUKI , Bajaj Kawasaki and Kinetic Motor Company (Kinetic Honda). The entry of these foreign companies changed the Indian market dynamics from the supply side to the demand side. With a larger selection of two-wheelers on the Indian market, consumers started to gain influence over the products they bought and raised higher customer expectations. The industry produced more models, styling options, prices, and different fuel efficiencies. The foreign companies new technologies helped make the products more reliable and with better quality. Indian companies had to change to keep up with their global counterparts. List of models Achiever Ambition 133, Ambition 135 CBZ, CBZ Star, CBZ Xtreme CD 100, CD 100 SS, CD Dawn, CD Deluxe, CD Deluxe (Self Start) Hunk ,Joy ,Karizma, Karizma R, Karizma ZMR FI ,Passion, Passion+, Passion Pro Pleasure .Street ,Splendor, Splendor+, Splendor+ (Limited Edition), Super Splendor, Splendor NXG The joint venture between Indias Hero Group and Honda Motor Company, Japan has not only created the worlds single largest two wheeler company but also one of the most successful joint ventures worldwide. During the 80s, Hero Honda became the first company in India to prove that it was possible to drive a vehicle without polluting the roads. Hero Honda Passport programme. The passport provides you with yet another opportunity to experience the companys continued commitment to you, our valued customer. You will soon see that it opens the door to a host of special offerings that Hero Honda Motors Limited has in store for you. How to use your Hero Honda Passport? Each time we visit an authorised Hero Honda dealership or service center, make sure that we carry your Hero Honda passport with us. We can accumulate points against purchase of spares, accessories and service at Hero Honda authorised dealerships / service centers. The Hero Honda passport will serve as a record book for keeping an account of the points accumulate by you. Each rupee you spend, at the dealership / service center, entitles you to one point. We also earn bonus point when you come for a free service you visit the dealership ( at least thrice a year ), and make purchases worth Rs. 50 per visit. We refer your relatives and friends to purchase a hero Honda motorcycle. At the time of setting our bills, ensure that your Hero Honda passport is endorsed with the earned points. The more we earn your points, the more benefits you receive. What are the benefits of owning a hero Honda passport ? The accumulated points can be used to enjoy a host of special privileges and benefits from time to time. The moment we receive you hero Honda passport, you are automatically covered for one year Accident Insurance RS 1 lakh. We become entitled for special rewards and discounts, the moment you accumulate the specified points, at any of the authorised hero Honda dealerships / service centers. We also receive invitations to exclusive local events, such as movie shows, musical nights and carnivals. Periodic updates will be sent to you, from the hero Honda programmed center, with your point status. Special information and tips regarding your motorcycle, hero Honda Passport Program happenings and exclusive offers from other brands will also be sent to you along with the updates For how long is the Hero Honda Passport valid ? Your hero Honda passport is valid for a period of 3 years from the date of issue. In case of its loss or theft, please contact your dealership or the following address for a replacement. How to use passport Always remember to carry your Hero Honda Passport with you when you visit a Hero Honda authorized dealership/service centre. Every time you do a transaction at a Hero Honda showroom/workshop, the dealer would reward points into your Passport. You are eligible to accumulate points, against purchase of spares, accessories, service and by referring friends to purchase a Hero Honda motorcycle. Do not forget to get your points endorsed on the Programme Points Sheet given in the Passport. Also ensure that these points are entered in duplicate in the Programme Centre copy by the dealer. Every time a Programme Points Sheet gets completed, the dealer would remove the copy from your Passport and send it to Hero Honda. These would increase your chances for event invitation and special offers. Do collect your rewards as soon as you reach the specified milestones. (For more information see the Reward Chart on last page). Please note that points do not become zero after a gift collection in the Passport Programme and you can keep collecting gifts as you reach a particular milestone. Every time you get your bike serviced, get the Free/Regular Service Record Sheet (as given in Section 2 of the Passport) stamped by the dealer. The Service Record Sheet would help you get a Bike Service Certificate, which can be very useful at the time of your bike resale. The Hero Honda Passport Programme is open only to Hero Honda motorcycle owners/customers who are resident Indian nationals. It is not open to non-resident Indians, employees of Hero Honda Motors Limited, and its advertising agencies (Result: McCann and its respective subsidiary companies). The Hero Honda Passport will be issued in the name of an individual only, and not in the name of a company, corporate body or association of persons. The Hero Honda Passport will be issued only to individuals who are 18 years of age, or older. There is a non-refundable registration fee for the programme. two passport-sized photographs must be attached to the application form. the Hero Honda passport is non-transferable. in case, an applicant is the second or subsequent user of the Hero Honda motorcycle, he/ she is required to submit a copy of the registration booklet, duly transferred, along with the Hero Honda Passport Application form. If any Hero Honda Passport holder loses his/her Hero Honda Passport, a new copy of the same will be issued to the member, on payment of the requisite fee The Hero Honda Passport is valid only for three years from the date of issue. It will take minimum of 4 weeks, from the date of enrolling for the Hero Honda Passport Programme, to deliver the Hero Honda Passport. On becoming a Hero Honda Passport Programme member, the applicant authorises all the organisations, with which Hero Honda Motors Limited may finalise arrangements (including Hero Honda Motors Limited), to use data submitted by him/her for marketing and communication purposes, to enhance performance of the Hero Honda Passport Programme. n case of any disputes of differences in connection with the Hero Honda Passport Programme, the same shall be decided by arbitration. The arbitrator shall be the Managing Director, Hero Honda Motors Limited, or any person nominated by him. The arbitration shall be conducted as per the prevailing arbitration laws rules in New Delhi. Hero Honda Motors Limited shall not, in any way, be liable, or be under any obligation to the participant, if the Hero Honda Passport Programme is withdrawn or modified due to statutory enactments, and judicial/ quasi judicial orders. All these amazing rewards and benefits come to you as you earn points in the Hero Honda Passport Programme. Once you become a member, you will earn points for a host of regular transactions that you conduct even now at your local Hero Honda authorized Dealership or Service Center. These include: So all you have to do to earn points rewards is just keep maintaining your Hero Honda motorcycle, buy genuine Hero Honda Spare Parts and accessories and well give you one point for every rupee you spend! Star Club and Treasured Rewards This unique club has been introduced for those members who get their bikes serviced regularly from authorized Hero Honda Service Centers. The Star Club membership not only identifies the member as special for the HHPP family, but also brings in some added benefits like: 30% discount on labour 7.5% discount on spares, till the validity of the Passport Introducing Treasured RewardGood news for all Passport Programme members who have crossed the 1 lakh point mark in the Hero Honda Passport Programme. A new rewards structure has been introduced for all such members The HHPP Treasured Rewards. The HHPP Treasured Rewards will be available at 8 prescribed milestones beginning from 1.25 lakh points and ending at 3 lakh points, with each milestone at a gap of 25,000 points. In other words, the new milestones are placed at 1.25 lakhs, 1.5 lakhs and so on till 3 lakhs Each time a member reaches a milestone a Motorcycle Privilege Voucher of Rs. 1250/- will be given to him. This voucher may be used to avail a discount on the purchase of a new Hero Honda motorcycle. This voucher is transferable and can be given to friends or relatives who may be planning to buy a new Hero Honda motorcycle Under the new Rewards Programme, the mode of recording points will change. The points will now be recorded in 2 books one would be the old Passport with Additional Treasured Rewards sheets for entering points earned through service, spares and accessories and the other would be a Referral Book which will be used for entering referral points. The Referral Book will begin from 1 lakh points. On cro ssing 1 lakh points the members need to retain a photocopy of their old Passport with them and send the passport to the HHPP Programme Centre immediately. On receipt, the old Passport with Additional treasured rewards sheets and the new Referral Book will be sent across to the members enabling them to start redeeming rewards beyond 1 lakh points. conclusion Hero Honda, the World No. 1 two-wheeler company, today announced that it has recently achieved a landmark member base of more than 2 million customers for its Passport Programme. Extending across 1000 authorized Hero Honda dealerships and SSPs, the program has now become India s largest Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Program. The unprecedented success of the CRM program is a testimony of the faith that the customers repose in the company and its products. It was born out of a need to maximize commitment and strengthen the emotional value that binds our diverse set of customers to the Hero Honda brand. With its apt tagline Rishta Dil Ka, the Passport Programme is a strong platform for the company to build long-term relationships with its customers, beyond the point of sale, and communicate its brand image of trust and reliability. The Hero Honda Passport Programme membership is a unique initiative open to the owners of Hero Honda motorcycles. The program offers many tangible a nd intangible benefits to both the customers as well as to the dealers. Members earn points for incurring expenditure at the Hero Honda dealership/workshop, which can later be redeemed against benefits. On the occasion of the commemoration of the 2 million-passport program milestone, Mr. Pawan Munjal, Managing Director, Hero Honda Motors Ltd. said, At Hero Honda our endeavor is to offer the best in product quality to our customers resulting in highest levels of customer satisfaction. The Passport programme not only builds enduring relationships with our customers but also offer them some extra value, beyond just the tangible benefits of our products. This milestone only reaffirms our customers faith in us, which has been pivotal in the companys growth. The Hero Honda Passport programme was rolled out nationally in the year 2001, after a successful pilot in four states in the year 2000. A unique feature of the programme is its reward model, according to which every rupee spent by the member translates into a reward point. These reward points can then be redeemed for exciting gifts. One of the most significant benefits of this program is a free personal accident policy worth Rs. 1 lakh. Insurance claim of over Rs. 6 crore has already been disbursed to dependent families, exemplifying Hero Hondas concern not just for the safety of its customers, but also their family members. With the help of this program, the company has already received over 900,000 referrals thus also giving a fillip to sales through favourable word of mouth. Review of literature With a member base of more than 20 lakh customers extending across 1000 authorized dealers and SSPs, Hero Honda Passport Program is today the countrys largest Customer Retention Management (CRM) program. Under the apt tagline Rishta Dil Ka, the program has become a strong platform for us to build long-term relationship with our customers beyond the point of sale, and take forward our brand image of trust and reliability. It was born out of a need to maximize commitment and strengthen the emotional value that binds our diverse set of customers to the Hero Honda brand. The program represents a fundamental change in looking at the customer as a long-term asset rather than a mere target for sales transaction. Marketing program designed to enhance brand loyalty by cultivating an ongoing relationship between a marketer and his customer. Successful loyalty programs encourage the consumer to buy frequently, to increase the amount spent each time, and to concentrate all or most of their related purchases on that brand. Most loyalty programs offer perks for membership in a club or program and reward purchases. Rewards may be based on the dollar value of purchases made or on the frequency of purchases. The most well-known loyalty programs are airline frequent-flyer programs that offer discounts against future travel called award miles. Most large supermarket chains now have frequent-buyer clubs that offer no-coupon discounts as well as newsletters and affiliate discounts. Loyalty program tactics also include regular communication with customers such as reminder mailings, private credit cards, cross-sell and up-sell offers, satisfaction and opinion surveys, and collection of information for membe r databases. See also frequency discount.
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